How to Kayak with A Big Dog – Smooth and Easy!

It is possible to kayak with a big dog. The key is that the dog has to be trained and well-behaved. If you have a large, energetic dog who loves water and jumping in and out of boats, this article can help you train him so he’ll stay on the boat when you go out paddling!

Kayaking with a big dog can be difficult because dogs naturally want to swim close to the surface and kayaks are designed to cut through the water. One way to make it easier is to fit your kayak with a special doggy paddle that will let your dog paddle along with you.

Some smaller dogs can also be trained to ride in a small storage area at the front of the kayak. This area is usually covered by a net or fabric flap and is where you put your fishing gear or other supplies. Make sure that your dog is comfortable and confident in the water before trying this; otherwise, he or she may try to jump out of the kayak at any time.

You’ll Need Some Basic Abilities if You Want to Go Kayaking with Your Dog.

To teach your dog to stay on the boat when you’re kayaking, he or she will need to be able to do a few basic things.

First of all, your dog should be comfortable in the water and not afraid of waves. If your dog gets seasick easily it can make for a very unpleasant trip!

Once in the water, your dog should either be able to stay in one area of the kayak or follow you from one side of the boat to the other. If he or she can’t do this, it will be harder for you to control him while paddling.

Training with a Life Jacket

If you want to take your dog out on the water, it’s a good idea to have him wear a life jacket. A dog who is afraid of wearing a vest can be trained with positive reinforcement.

Start by rewarding your dog when he or she wears the life jacket without trying to take it off. You may want to use treats or some other type of prize system. Once they’ve worn the life jacket enough times without trying to take it off, you can move on to the next step.

The next step is to use a leash or another type of tie-down that attaches to your dog’s vest. This way, if he or she tries to take it off they’ll end up tied down until you let them go. Once your dog is used to the feel of the tie-down, you can move on to step three.

This step involves using a length of cord or string that attaches to the dog’s vest and something in the boat; for example, one end could attach to his or her life jacket and one end could be tied to an oar. Make sure the cord is long enough that your dog can circle to the other side of the boat and still be connected.

You should start this step by having your dog sit or lie down in a particular area, and reward him for staying there. Eventually, you can release him from his position if he stays put even when you’re rowing the boat.

If your dog is hesitant to move with you when you’re kayaking, start this step by just paddling without moving too far away from the area where he or she was sitting. Reward him for staying in that area and encourage him to come toward you if he gets too scared.

Teach Your Dog Where to Sit on The Kayak

Your dog should be able to sit or lie down in one particular spot on the kayak. This is useful when you need to concentrate on paddling and can’t spend time trying to coax your dog away from the edge of the boat.

A dog who likes to sit in a specific area may do it if he gets scared. This makes it easier for him to stay in the boat when you go kayaking.

Training Your Dog to Sit or Lie Down on The Kayak With Positive Reinforcement

One way to train your dog to sit or lie down on a kayak is by using positive reinforcement. In this training exercise, your dog gets tokens (which can be anything like tiny pieces of candy or dog treats) every time he sits down.

Start this training by having your dog sit on the kayak, and then give him a treat. He will soon learn that sitting means receiving something good! If you’re taking him out for the first time, just stay in one spot until he gets used to being on the kayak.

Once he’s used to it, you can start rewarding him for sitting in different areas of the boat. If he tries to get up, stop paddling until he sits back down or goes back to lying down. You may need to turn your kayak around so that it faces the spot where your dog was sitting before continuing.

Teaching Your Dog to Enjoy Their Life Jacket

Many dogs don’t like wearing life jackets because they can be uncomfortable. Your dog may get used to the feel of the collar after wearing it for several trips, but if he still doesn’t like it you should take him kayaking in different seasons.

In colder seasons, your dog will likely be more comfortable wearing a thicker, winterized life jacket. In the summer, he may like the lighter fabric of a thin life vest. If you take your dog out kayaking in different seasons and times of day, it’s more likely that they’ll feel comfortable enough to wear their life jacket.

It can be tough taking large dogs out on a kayak — that’s why we’re here to help!

Get a Personal Floatation Device for Your Big Dog

Remember that it’s important to keep all dogs safe. If your dog isn’t wearing a life jacket, you should be wearing one yourself.

Invest in a personal floatation device (PFD) for each kayaker and each pet, just like the Coast Guard recommends. This PFD should fit snugly around your dog’s chest area and should also have a handle on top so that you can lift your dog out of the water.

Before Your Dog Can Go Out on the Water, He’ll Need to Know Some Basic Doggy Paddling Moves.

Your dog will need to know some basic doggy paddle moves before you can take him out kayaking with you. These are the same types of moves he would use if he were swimming in the water without a boat nearby.

This is an easy move for your dog to learn. Start with the dog in the water, facing you in shallow water that comes up to his or her waist. Call your dog’s name and use a happy tone of voice; when he turns around give him plenty of praise and maybe even offer a treat.

Once your dog has mastered this move, you can try calling him and then paddling away from him in a kayak while he tries to catch up. Your dog may not get the hang of this move right away, and it’s okay if you need to help him practice by paddling slowly back toward him.

Teaching Your Dog to Paddle Back Toward You is Important for Kayaking Safety.

Once your dog has mastered doggy paddle moves, you can teach him to paddle back toward you when he gets too far away.

If you have a dog that loves the water and will naturally swim out ahead of you when kayaking, this move is very important. If your dog isn’t able to catch up with the boat when he gets tired, there’s a risk of him drowning.

The key to teaching your dog this move is using positive reinforcement to reward him for paddling toward you. Be sure that when your dog does paddle back toward you he doesn’t collide with the boat. If he gets too excited and starts climbing into the kayak, stop paddling immediately.

  1. Teach your dog to paddle toward you in shallower water before you try this in deep water.
  2. Practice the move at walking speed, and then practice it with you paddling slower or faster. Once your dog knows the trick, he should be able to keep up with your kayak even if you’re paddling at a faster speed.
  3. Practice the move with your dog in front of you and with him behind you.

If your dog isn’t naturally a strong swimmer, consider keeping one of these life vests on him at all times when kayaking. Some canines need extra buoyancy to keep them afloat if they tire out while swimming.

What Else Do You Need for Kayaking with a Big Dog?

Even if your dog automatically knows how to doggy paddle, he may still need some extra gear before you take him out kayaking. For one thing, he must always wear a life vest when on the water—if he can’t swim well enough to

Follow Safety Measures for Large Dogs Kayaking

If you’re taking large dogs kayaking with you, make sure to follow these safety measures:

  • Use a leash and keep it very short when in moving water (such as rivers and rapids).
  • Know your dog’s swimming ability and don’t paddle too far from the shore if they’re still learning. This way you won’t have any trouble keeping an eye on them or getting to them quickly if they fall in the water.
  • Make sure your dog is wearing a life jacket, just as a precaution.

Kayaking is a fun activity for both you and your dog to enjoy, but it’s important to remember that if your canine friend is going to come kayaking with you he’ll need some special training and equipment. Follow these guidelines, and kayaking can be a safe and fun activity for both of you!

What to take for Kayaking with Your Dog

There’s no need to carry a lot of stuff if you’re just paddling about and not staying out for long, but it’s always a good idea to have a ziplock of goodies, fresh drinking water, and a bowl in case you run into any animals. Also, some essential doggie gear e.g. life vest, leash, poo bags, etc are good to have aboard.

What is Kayak Attachment for Dog?

A kayak harness is a great way to attach your dog to the boat. The design keeps them safe and prevents them from climbing into the kayak or falling overboard. It’s a good idea to use a leash too so you have full control over your canine friend in open water.